Wednesday 29 August 2012

Project overview

Wind Turbine Generator in Train System is divided into two main parts which are hardware and program.

The hardware part is basically related with circuit and the final design of the prototype. The main circuit being used in this project is charging circuit. The charging circuit needed to be designed from scratch which covers the designing of pcb layout, etching until the circuit is functioning well. Based on the project title, the final design of the prototype needed to be appropriate with the title. For this project, the prototype needs to be installed at area which surrounds by train railway in order to achieve the application of the project.

The second part of this project is program. The program acts as a brain to the whole system. Language that is being used for this project is C Language. The compiler that is being used to compile the program is PIC C Compiler. PIC16F877A is being used as the controller for the whole system. It controls the charging and discharging of the battery.

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