Monday 5 March 2012

Proposal completion

Title of activity: Proposal completion

Objective:  To make a proposal for “Wind Turbine Generator in Train System”

            For this task, I am required to make a proposal for my project. This proposal concludes abstract, introduction, problem statement, literature review, methodology, objectives, benefits/contributions, work plan, budget, conclusion and references. For me this proposal is like a plan for our future project. This proposal is so important to be done as it will describe about the project that we are going to do. For an example, the methodology. This chapter consists of 2 parts which are flow chart and block diagram. For flow chart, it explains the flow of the project from the start until the end and for block diagram it explains about the main components that are going to be used for the project. From doing this proposal, it is clearly seen that we are able to see how the flow of the project.

            The proposal was made and I went to see Sir Shamsul to show the draft of my proposal. The contents of this proposal were being check by Sir Shamsul. The main part that he was looking is methodology. He checked whether I made the right flow chart and block diagram or not plus he even asked me to explain briefly about those two things. Alhamdulillah, he accepted my proposal and asked me to put the proposal in my blog.
            After all, I can say that the proposal was successfully being made according to the given specifications. All the information regarding the “Wind Turbine Generator in Train System” is being included in this proposal. 

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