Tuesday 20 March 2012

Contents of project proposal


Wind Energy is a renewable source of energy. Today, the output power from wind turbines can be utilized in two ways, either by direct use of the mechanical shaft power (through a gearing ratio) or by letting the wind turbine power an electrical generator, and utilizing the generated power as electrical power. In this case, this project letting the wind turbine power an electrical generator, and utilizing the generated power as electrical power. This can be used to run various electrical components, either simultaneously, or by charging DC batteries which can be used later as a source of electricity. This will somehow increases the amount of energy produced from a fixed amount of installed power generating capacity.

This proposal presents Wind Power Generator in Train System which consists of wind turbines which are mounted at the railway and also at the top of the train coaches. The purpose of this Wind Power Generator is to allow people or human to use renewable energy in everyday life.  It is widely accepted fact that we need to switch on to the non-conventional energy sources. This project uses an inverter which converts DC supply to AC supply where the voltage is obtained directly from the wind energy. This hardware designs are of wind turbines, electrical generator, battery circuit, rectifier circuit and an inverter to convert the DC supply to AC supply before to be used by application.

This project uses PIC16F877A as the microcontroller. This is used for the conversion for DC supply to AC supply before to be used by application. This proposal deals with the design and development of a wind turbine system with a concept of generation of electricity as an auxiliary source for the train station.


The objectives of this proposed project are:
i.To design a wind turbine generator in train system.
ii. To design a project which produces alternative electric power.
iii.To design a green technology project.
iv.To test the prototype in terms of accuracy and the relationship of the wind speed and voltage output.
v. To determine the minimum requirements for the selection of a location where to prototype can be implemented.

Flowchart explanation

Literature review on hardware
To research and understand the function of the hardware that have to be use in building my project.

Determine and the identify area focus for this system
To focus on the area that need to be build before assemble all the component and part together.

Design system
Plan and design how the project will be build in term of hardware and software

Hardware building
Building all the component together one by one and assemble it all together into one complete design.

Laboratory experimentation
Test the Wind Turbine Generator, test the turbine maximum speed and measure the voltage produce by the turbine.

Experiment result
Analysize and calculate the result of the experiment.

Circuit combination
Combine software and hardware parts.

Project testing
Test the project that has been completed.


The electrical system is the system of electrical devices which will generate the electricity from the rotational energy of the turbine shaft. The system consists of an Alternator, which produces a AC current of voltage. This AC current is rectified by Rectifier in series with the alternator. The rectifier produces DC current which is fed into the 12V battery through a switch. The battery is then connected with an Inverter which converts 12V DC supply to AC current which will run the electric components inside the train. Given below is the block diagram of the proposed system.

Main Component that will be used:


An inverter is an electrical device that converts direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC). The converted AC can be at any required voltage and frequency with the use of appropiate transformers switching, and control circuits. Solid-state inverters have no moving parts and are used in a wide range of applications, from small switching power supplies in computers, to large electric utility high-voltage direct current applications that transport bulk power. Inverters are commonly used to supply AC power from DC sources such as solar panels or batteries. The inverter performs the opposite  function of a rectifier.


A rectifier is an electrical device that converts alternating current (AC), which periodically reverses direction to direct current (DC), which floes in only one direction. The process is known as rectification.


An alternator is an electromechanical device that converts mechanical energy to electrical energy in the form of alternating current. Most alternators use a rotating magnetic field but linear alternators are occasionally used. In principle, any AC electrical generator can be call an alternator, but usually the word refers to small rotating machines driven by automotive and other internal combustion engines.
Alternators in power stations driven by steam turbines are called turbo-alternators.

Wind Turbine

This is the illustration of the wind turbine that will be put along the railway. These turbines will definitely produce kinetic energy and the will be converted into electrical energy using alternator.

Microcontroller PIC 16F877A


The microcontroller acts like the brain of the DC motor speed control system. The microcontroller chip that has been selected for the purpose of controlling the speed of DC motor is PIC16F877A manufactured by Microchip. This chip is selected based on several reasons:
i. Its size is small and equipped with sufficient output ports without having to use a decoder or multiplexer.
ii. Its portability and low current consumption.
iii. It has PWM inside the chip itself which allow us to vary the duty cycle of DC motor drive.
iv. It is a very simple but powerful microcontroller. Users would only need to learn 35 single word instructions in order to program the chip.
v. It can be programmed and reprogrammed easily (up to 10,000,000 cycles) using the universal programmer in robotics lab

                                                Schematic circuit for PIC16F877A


  1. When are you planning to see the LRT representative? Can you show me your letter to him/her?

  2. As soon as possible. Planning to go there next week since next week is mid semester break. I'll update if there is anything
