Friday 27 April 2012

DC motor & DC generator

DC Motor

Simple DC motor consists of a permanent magnet stator and rotor coil with a commutator near one end to properly provide current to the coil. It is the lowest cost motor solution. It can also be made very small easily. For low power design, its power density is often very high.

DC Generator

Components of a generator:

Rotor: In its simplest form, the rotor consists of a single loop of wire made to rotate within a magnetic field. In practice, the rotor usually consists of several coils of wire wound on an armature.

Armature: The armature is a cylinder of laminated iron mounted on an axle. The axle is carried in bearings mounted in the external structure of the generator. Torque is applied to the axle to make the rotor spin.

Coil: Each coil usually consists of many turns of copper wire wound on the armature. The two ends of each coil are connected either to two slip rings (AC) or two opposite bars of split-ring commutator (DC).

Stator: The stator is the fixed part of the generator that supplies the magnetic field in which the coils rotate. It may consist of two permanent magnets which opposite poles facing and shaped to fit around the rotor. Alternatively, the magnetic field may be provided by two electromagnets.

Field electromagnets: Each electromagnets consists of a coil of many turns of copper wire wound on a soft iron core. The electromagnets are wound, mounted and shaped in such a way that opposite poles face each other and wrap around the rotor.

Brushes: The brushes are carbon blocks that maintain contact with the ends of the coils via the slip rings (AC) or the split-ring commutator (DC), and conduct electric current from the coils to the external circuit

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