Tuesday 10 April 2012

Block diagram of the project

After confirmation with supervisor, this is the new block diagram for Wind Turbine Generator in Train System.

Project Description
  • Wind charger is operating using 12V battery. This system is using LCD to show wind generator and battery voltage. When the battery voltage is low, motor will charge the battery.
  • When system is operating, voltage sensor detect wind generator voltage and show on LCD. Voltage sensor detects battery voltage. If battery voltage more than 9V, green LED will turn on. Else, red LED will turn on. Battery voltage will show on LCD.
  • Voltage sensor detects battery voltage. If battery voltage less than 12V, system will start charge the battery. Else, system will stop charging.

Block Diagram Explaination

In every project, there must be inputs and outputs. For this Wind Turbine Generator in Train System, the DC motor acts as the input while LCD display and LEDs act as the output. Both input and outputs are connected to the charging circuit. The charging circuit is operating using 12V DC battery. The input from the DC motor will charge the 12V DC battery. In this case the voltage produced by rotating wind turbine DC motor. The LCD will display the current battery voltage and wind voltage. Two LEDs are being used which are red LED and green LED. The red LED indicates battery is less than 12 V while the green LED indicates the battery is over 12V. PIC microcontroller 16F877A is being used as the main controller for the whole system. The input and output are being connected at microcontroller pins. In other words, it acts as the brain for the whole system. The charging operation will be controlled by the PIC. Whenever the battery is less than 12V the battery will charge, else not charging. Voltage regulator is being connected to PIC16877A. This is to prevent over 5V supply because PIC16F877A only support voltage of 5V.

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