Wednesday 29 February 2012

Flow chart of the project

This is the flow chart of the project. The system starts when the push button is on. Firstly the wind generator voltage is being detected. Then, the voltage will be displayed on LCD display. Next the battery voltage is being detected. Both wind generator voltage and battery voltage is being detected by the PIC16F877A since the motor and battery are connected to the microcontroller pins. There are only two conditions needed to be understood for this project. If the battery voltage is less than 12V, the red LED is on and the green LED is off. The battery keeps on charging if the battery voltage is less than 12V and if battery voltage is over than 12V, then the battery will stop charging.

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Research about project

Title of activity: Research regarding this ‘Wind Turbine Generator in Train System’ project.

Objective: 1. To obtain information about the project.
                 2. To understand the concepts used for this project.

During week 2, I have begun to do research regarding this Wind Turbine Generator in Train System project. This was done in order to strengthen my understanding about this project. Apart from the information I got from my advisor, I also managed to get some information from the internet. With these 2 sources of information, now I’m able to understand how the project works.

From the research that I have made, it is clear that this project converts kinetic energy from the wind into mechanical energy. If the mechanical energy is used to produce electricity, it can be called a wind generator or wind charger. So this project can be called as a wind generator project. Besides that, there are many types of wind turbine nowadays but for my project this is completely different from the existed wind turbine. Normally the wind turbine is located at hills, farms and so on but for my project, the wind turbine is located at train coaches and rail. The movement of the train will produce kinetic energy that will move the turbines and lastly the energy will be converted into electrical energy. Picture below shows how the movement of a coaster will create kinetic energy.

            The objectives are successfully met for week 2. The information is gathered from my supervisor and also internet. These 2 sources are very important for me in order to understand about this project. From the internet, I managed to get some important information such as how the kinetic energy is being converted into electrical energy. It is a good start for me as now I am able to understand about the project that I am going to do. 

Thursday 16 February 2012

Video preview

Here is the video of "Wind Turbine Generator in Train System" that I'm going to do. Enjoy! :)

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Discussion with co-advisor

Title of activity: Discussion with co-advisor

Objective: To get opinions from my co-advisor regarding the project.

            For every student, they will have an advisor and two co-advisors to guide them in doing their projects. I have decided to go and see my first co-advisor which is Dr. Mohd Khairil B. Rahmat to discuss about “Wind Turbine Generator in Train System”. This is such an advantage for me as he is from Electrical Section and power is a field that he is mastered in.

            Diagram below shows the rough idea of this “Wind Turbine Generator in Train System” project. The mechanical energy will be converted into electrical energy and then will go through a generator before light a 10W bulb. This sounds easy but the energy produced by the wind turbine is an AC supply hence it must be converted into DC supply before being used to light up the 10W bulb. I was advised by him to look upon Power System Lab 1 which the concept is related to my final year project. Both my supervisor and co-advisor suggested me to go to the train station and do observation to collect the data needed to do this project.
            As for conclusion, I can say that various opinions from different people will help a lot for any cases. Discussion by discussion must be made in order to get a clearer understanding. Now what I need to do is to arrange a meeting to interview the engineer from the train station selected. 

Thursday 9 February 2012

Finding title and advisor for final year project

Title of activity: Find title and advisor for final year project.

Objectives:  1. To find suitable title for final year project.
       2. To find suitable project to be done as final year project.
                   3. To find suitable advisor that will guide to do this final year project.
            During week 1, we had to find a supervisor or advisor that is willing to supervise our FYP (final year project). I have decided to choose Sir Shamsul Adlan Bin Mahrim (SAM) from Telecommunication Section as my advisor to guide me during this final year regarding the project. My supervisor and I have made some discussion regarding this final year project. During the discussion, my supervisor asked me to list down the possible projects that I want to do as my final year project. These are the list of projects:-
        .      Wind Power Generator In Train System
        .      Steam Boiler Using Microcontroller
        .      Fire Fighting Robot
        .      Hydro Panel Robot

            As a result, after made the discussion with my supervisor, I have decided to choose ‘Wind Power Generator in Train System’ as my final year project. I think this project is good because it has something to do with renewable energy. This is because the demand for electrical energy nowadays is very high due to the increasingly rapid development. So the non-renewable energy like fuel and coal will run out if this energy continuous using by users.

            For week 1, the objectives are successfully achieved due to the abilities to find a suitable title and advisor for final year project. The project that is chosen is ‘Wind Turbine Generator in Train System’. Once I chose the project, I have to make a deep research regarding this project in order to strengthen my understanding about this wind energy concept.

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Personal details!

Shahnizam Bin Jasmi

Title : Wind Power Generator in Train System
Universiti Kuala Lumpur (BMI)
ID No : 51210210334
Advisor : Syamsul Adlan Bin Mahrim
Phone No : +60147263211
Website :