Tuesday 28 February 2012

Research about project

Title of activity: Research regarding this ‘Wind Turbine Generator in Train System’ project.

Objective: 1. To obtain information about the project.
                 2. To understand the concepts used for this project.

During week 2, I have begun to do research regarding this Wind Turbine Generator in Train System project. This was done in order to strengthen my understanding about this project. Apart from the information I got from my advisor, I also managed to get some information from the internet. With these 2 sources of information, now I’m able to understand how the project works.

From the research that I have made, it is clear that this project converts kinetic energy from the wind into mechanical energy. If the mechanical energy is used to produce electricity, it can be called a wind generator or wind charger. So this project can be called as a wind generator project. Besides that, there are many types of wind turbine nowadays but for my project this is completely different from the existed wind turbine. Normally the wind turbine is located at hills, farms and so on but for my project, the wind turbine is located at train coaches and rail. The movement of the train will produce kinetic energy that will move the turbines and lastly the energy will be converted into electrical energy. Picture below shows how the movement of a coaster will create kinetic energy.

            The objectives are successfully met for week 2. The information is gathered from my supervisor and also internet. These 2 sources are very important for me in order to understand about this project. From the internet, I managed to get some important information such as how the kinetic energy is being converted into electrical energy. It is a good start for me as now I am able to understand about the project that I am going to do. 

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