Thursday 9 February 2012

Finding title and advisor for final year project

Title of activity: Find title and advisor for final year project.

Objectives:  1. To find suitable title for final year project.
       2. To find suitable project to be done as final year project.
                   3. To find suitable advisor that will guide to do this final year project.
            During week 1, we had to find a supervisor or advisor that is willing to supervise our FYP (final year project). I have decided to choose Sir Shamsul Adlan Bin Mahrim (SAM) from Telecommunication Section as my advisor to guide me during this final year regarding the project. My supervisor and I have made some discussion regarding this final year project. During the discussion, my supervisor asked me to list down the possible projects that I want to do as my final year project. These are the list of projects:-
        .      Wind Power Generator In Train System
        .      Steam Boiler Using Microcontroller
        .      Fire Fighting Robot
        .      Hydro Panel Robot

            As a result, after made the discussion with my supervisor, I have decided to choose ‘Wind Power Generator in Train System’ as my final year project. I think this project is good because it has something to do with renewable energy. This is because the demand for electrical energy nowadays is very high due to the increasingly rapid development. So the non-renewable energy like fuel and coal will run out if this energy continuous using by users.

            For week 1, the objectives are successfully achieved due to the abilities to find a suitable title and advisor for final year project. The project that is chosen is ‘Wind Turbine Generator in Train System’. Once I chose the project, I have to make a deep research regarding this project in order to strengthen my understanding about this wind energy concept.

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